EEP Study on Opportunities and Challenges in the Mini-Grid Sector in Africa
The objective of this study is to provide an overview of the EEP mini-grid portfolio, highlight observations and lessons learned about challenges and opportunities in the mini-grid sector, and provide…
Productive uses of electricity in Tanzania. Mini-grids could help unlock inclusive growth in remote rural areas, but few proactively stimulate productive uses of electricity, as this often requires resource-consuming actions…
I-DEV, a partner of the GMG Managing Entity, has published a report on solar electrification in Kenya. It highlights the growing interest and viability of energy solar solutions.
This is the inaugural issue of a quarterly assessment of the latest developments in distributed energy and electrification in emerging or remote markets.
Supporting Energy Transition in Developing Countries
A key project finance facility brings USD 44.5 million in concessional loans to transformative renewable energy projects in developing countries. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Abu Dhabi…